Friday, November 28, 2008


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Entry 6

November 24, 1892

Dear Diary,
  Wow, its already been a year since I first immigrated to America. Risking all I had to come to this place was probably the best decision I ever made. I still remember, I had to give up all the things that I was comfortable with. It killed me thinking that I couldn't see my friends any more. Thinking about starting a new life in a new country made me scared. But I believe that it really paid it off. Well, America wasn't exactly how I imagined it would be. It wasn't a golden land that everyone thought it would be. But it sure is a good country. I don't think I have any regrets anymore but in the beginning, I really regretted that I came to America. Now, I am studying hard to go to college and my father has a very wonderful job with very high pay. I have friends from all kinds of countries and I learned different languages. So many things happened in just 1 year and I am expecting more to happen!


Haruka Mizumi

Entry 5

May 7th, 1892

Dear Diary,

  I did not write for a long time because I was so tired and exhausted. Adjusting to America was not very easy. We have absolutely no money because we spent all of it for coming to America. The money my father earned from his job all goes to the house rent. If we have some money left, my father uses it to buy alcohol. I was frusturated in the beginning but I now could understand him. I bet he didn't see this coming and he thought America was be the 'Golden Land' that he dreamed of. I heard that he is having a hard time in work because he is the only Japanese. This is probably a big surprise for him. If we don't pay the rent for a while, than it won't be so hard. Maybe I should start working again to help my father pay the rent. Starting a new life isn't as easy as it sounds.

Haruka Mizumi

Entry 4

Febuary 2, 1892

Dear Diary,
  Everyday in America is exciting. There are so many new things here that I never knew about. The people, food, clothing, language, money even houses are all different. I guess everything changed in my life so fast. I still am surprised whenever I see an American. I just say the basic easy english to them. I learn english with the other beginners who are mostly japanese. One major thing I love about America is the food. Toast for breakfast, burgers for lunch, and meat for dinner! They are so delicious. I still don't understand how to use dollars so my father helps my buy the food. In Japan, we used to use yen as our money but in America it is dollars. I learned today that 1 dollar equals 108.81 yen. It is so confusing. I hope I get used to the life in America very soon!

Haruka Mizumi

Entry 3

January 23, 1892

Dear Diary,
  I finally landed in a place called Ellis Island. I was dying for some fresh air but Ellis Island was crowded as much as the ship. My father says we have to pass some inspections in order to stay in America. I found it so unfair that people with the first and second ticket didn't need to go through any inspections. That was the first thing that I didn't like about America. Medical inspection was the first inspection. Doctors were checking our health and many people who were sick couldn't pass. Later, there were people who asked us why we wanted live in America. If there wasn't a good reason, you can't pass. Others will be asking us our name, our age, where we are from, and personal things. Thankfully, my father and I both passed. The stairs in Ellis Island were so rocky because so many people went through them. When we were going out, there was a room called The Kissing Room. It is the room where the people who already lives in America wait to greet their family. I was pretty upset that I didn't have any family in America. We finally came out of Ellis Island. Everything was so different from Japan! My father says we will be living in China Town or Japan Town because we are not good at english and we need people to help us in the beginning.

Haruka Mizumi

Entry 2

January 3, 1892

Dear Diary,

The journey to America is very long and tiring. We are traveling in a crowded ship for about 40 days now . If you have a first or second class tickets you would get your own private room and dining place but my father and I only had the money to get the steerage class tickets. People with the steerage class tickets had to eat and sleep in the bottom of the ship. Many people got sick because it was too crowded and dirty. But everyone tried to stay healthy because whoever was sick has to go back to their country. When the weather is good, most people would stay on the deck to get some fresh air. We play games and made new friends. I brought clothes, food supplies, blankets, etc. I couldn't bring all of my stuff because only a certain amount of luggages were allowed to be brought. I hope we arrive soon. I am so sick of this crowded ship!


Haruka Mizumi

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Entry 1

November 24, 2891
Dear Diary,
  My name is Haruka Mizumi and I live in Japan with my father, Ohno Mizumi. I am 16 years old and my father is 48. Obviously, I speak Japanese because it is the main language in our country. My father works at a dry cleaning place in Tokyo. He does not earn a lot of money from his work so I have to work 5 times a week for both of us to survive. Since I only get the weekend off, I don't have much time to study. A couple of days ago, my father told me that in America, he could get a much better job with good payment and that going to America will help me with my education. He said it was my decision whether to immigrate to America or not. It was very overwhelming that I had to leave Japan and all the delicious foods like ramen, sushi, udon, rice, etc. I can't even imagine what it would be like in America. My friends say that America is a very big and great country. I am excited to go but thinking of all the things I have to risk and give up make me frightened and sad.
Haruka Mizumi