Thursday, November 27, 2008

Entry 6

November 24, 1892

Dear Diary,
  Wow, its already been a year since I first immigrated to America. Risking all I had to come to this place was probably the best decision I ever made. I still remember, I had to give up all the things that I was comfortable with. It killed me thinking that I couldn't see my friends any more. Thinking about starting a new life in a new country made me scared. But I believe that it really paid it off. Well, America wasn't exactly how I imagined it would be. It wasn't a golden land that everyone thought it would be. But it sure is a good country. I don't think I have any regrets anymore but in the beginning, I really regretted that I came to America. Now, I am studying hard to go to college and my father has a very wonderful job with very high pay. I have friends from all kinds of countries and I learned different languages. So many things happened in just 1 year and I am expecting more to happen!


Haruka Mizumi


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