Thursday, November 27, 2008

Entry 3

January 23, 1892

Dear Diary,
  I finally landed in a place called Ellis Island. I was dying for some fresh air but Ellis Island was crowded as much as the ship. My father says we have to pass some inspections in order to stay in America. I found it so unfair that people with the first and second ticket didn't need to go through any inspections. That was the first thing that I didn't like about America. Medical inspection was the first inspection. Doctors were checking our health and many people who were sick couldn't pass. Later, there were people who asked us why we wanted live in America. If there wasn't a good reason, you can't pass. Others will be asking us our name, our age, where we are from, and personal things. Thankfully, my father and I both passed. The stairs in Ellis Island were so rocky because so many people went through them. When we were going out, there was a room called The Kissing Room. It is the room where the people who already lives in America wait to greet their family. I was pretty upset that I didn't have any family in America. We finally came out of Ellis Island. Everything was so different from Japan! My father says we will be living in China Town or Japan Town because we are not good at english and we need people to help us in the beginning.

Haruka Mizumi


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